What is the Median Household Income in Capitol Heights, MD?

The table below breaks down the population and percentage of each race and ethnicity in Capitol Heights, Maryland. The race least likely to fall into poverty in Capitol Heights is black, with 13.19% below the poverty level. The unemployment rate is a very important statistic for Capitol Heights because it can show how many people are actively looking for work and how many people can't find it. The race most likely to fall into poverty in Capitol Heights is that of other groups, with 33.79% below the poverty level.

It also makes the Capitol Heights government look good because it shows that it is doing a good job of creating jobs, working to its fullest capacity, being efficient and keeping the economy strong. Both metrics are important when analyzing Capitol Heights revenue statistics, but because the median value doesn't depend on other numbers in the data set, it doesn't change as much when some of the values are extremely low or extremely high. The Capitol Heights conflict mediation program focuses on resolving differences between young people in the area. There are a total of 1,337 households in Capitol Heights, and the average household size is 3.04 people. This means that Capitol Heights incomes are higher than the average income in the United States, and municipal household incomes are in the 71st percentile. We can also analyze modes of transportation in Capitol Heights to see what modes of transportation people use to get to work.

In the table below, you can see the total number of households and families in Capitol Heights, Maryland, for each type, as well as the average size. It differs from the average or average household income because it includes everyone in Capitol Heights and not just people earning an income (that is, as happened in San Jose, California, in the early 2000s, the growing community of professionals in Capitol Heights has led many locals to refer to Capitol Heights as the Silicon Valley of Washington DC).Capitol Heights is a city located on the border of northeast Washington DC's 26 southeastern quadrants. It has a population of 1,337 households with an average household size of 3.04 people. The median household income for this area is $68,890 per year - higher than both the national median household income ($61,937) and Maryland's median household income ($78,945). This figure reflects its growing population of professionals and its strong economy. The median household income is an important statistic for understanding how well off a city's residents are.

It differs from the average or average household income because it includes everyone in Capitol Heights and not just people earning an income. This means that even if some households have extremely high or low incomes, they won't affect the median value as much. The high median household income in Capitol Heights has led many locals to refer to it as 'the Silicon Valley of Washington DC'.

Brittany Wakely
Brittany Wakely

Lifelong tv fan. Typical food practitioner. General pop culture scholar. Professional tv practitioner. Lifelong zombie guru. Wannabe web nerd.